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Personal Development Plan (PDP) - Welcome!

Hello and welcome to the Talent4LIFE Personal Development Plan. The personal development plan is an online tool that supports an employee appraisal or any other form of development talk between the employer/HR personnel and the individual employee. You are guided through the process with information and tasks in work sheets.

For more information on the purpose of every worksheet and how to perform it, click here for the short guideline for the PDP

Info about Talent Management

Definition of Talent in business context

Conventional definition

Talent consists of a combination of two attributes: High performance and High potential. This only includes the best 3-10% of employees and presents a focus on key-positions: High performers, super keepers, etc. How can you identify, attract, hire, develop and retain them? The key question is: What happens to the “other” 97%

Inclusive definition

Business success depends on the performance of all employees. This means, every member of staff is important and everyone has talent that can be of positive use in future actions. In this case talent is seen as potential for the ability to act (von Hehn 2016, p. 6). This talent model emphasizes the importance of recruiting people that fit into the company and to find the best-fit in terms of position/role

What is Talent Management

Conventional definition

“Talent Management refers to those organisational concepts and measures that specifically deal with the recruitment, assessment, retention and development of current or future employees who are designated as talents because of their comparatively scarce, highly demanded key competencies that are crucial for the organisation.” (Ritz and Sinelli 2018, p.14, own translation)

Inclusive definition

“Talent Management System is an organizational approach that aims to make best use of the talent(s) of each member of staff to deal with current and upcoming challenges. It consists of three pillars: Strategy, Culture and HR-Processes.” (von Hehn 2016, p.3; own translation)

Why is Talent Management important?

Demographic change Pandemic as game changer Future work(force) Employees 45+
  • Aging workforce
  • Shortage of potential workforce
  • War for talents
  • Retirement of baby-boomers
  • Risk of loss of (tacit) knowledge
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Succession planning
  • Massive economic slump in many sectors
  • Loss of jobs vs. “Great Resignation”
  • Planning uncertainty
  • Change in work models
  • Working location
  • Distance learning
  • Online meetings
  • Cloud services
  • Psychological and social effects
  • New generations enter labour market
  • Majority of workforce Gen. Y
  • Generation Z starts
  • Generation Alpha enters in 5-10 years
  • Work in new jobs
  • Values are changing
  • Technology more important
  • Work-Life Balance surpasses career
  • Eco-Awareness
  • Employees aged 45+ reach peak of development
  • “War for talents“ is ongoing
  • Need for staff retention through active talent management and development within the company

How does the PDP tie in with it

The PDP is part of the Talent4LIFE project with the main aim to develop a model (including instruments) for talent management based staff retention. It supports SMEs using talent management practices to become competitive, agile organisations to react faster to changing circumstances

Other results of the project are:

The PDP consist of the following four steps:

Step 1:

Personal Development Evaluation

Step 2:

Core Talents

Step 3:

Work-Life Balance

Step 4:

Developments & Milestones

Behind each step is a worksheet to be filled out by you – the employer/HR and employee together. All steps build on each other to some extent but it is not mandatory to fill out every sheet or every field.

The worksheets contain a set of questions and respective fields to fill out (e.g. ratings, hitlists, desired measures).

In accordance with GDPR, the tool saves no inserted data. It is saved in the browser throughout the process, but can be deleted entirely with a click on the 'remove all stored values' button at the top righthand corner. All content can be downloaded and saved locally on your own computer. For a later revision or a repetition of the process, you can upload the data into the tool.

Result: After going through the PDP (estimated time: 1 hour) the core talents, work-life balance measures, development goals and milestones to reach them are displayed for the individual employee. This is further supported by information on how to use this table and how to proceed from here.