What is the Talent4LIFE Handbook?
The Talent4LIFE Handbook is designed for all those, who are concerned with HR agendas and related challenges, such as HR professionals or business leaders. It aims at improving employee retention and development through implementing a talent management system. Although this handbook has been developed with particular reference to employees 45years+, it is designed to be inclusive of all employees, regardless of age or generation.
The structure of this Talent4LIFE Handbook is based on the employee lifecycle. The employee lifecycle pictures the way of every employee in a company from the beginning, which is the recruitment of the employee, to the exit when an employee separates from the company. The employer can support their employees in each of the different phases creating a cycle, which is why it is called employee lifecycle management.
Using employee lifecycle management, companies try to comprehend their employees’ career path and optimise their experience within the company. The better employers understand their employees’ experience and perceptions, the better they can react and support them in order to retain their talents and stay competitive.

Introduction to talent management & comparison of different generations’ needs
Recruit – key aspects of the recruiting process
Onboard – A company’s first test, in which employees check, if the company keeps its promises. Implement a smooth onboarding process, in which new employees learn, what is expected from them.
Develop – Reflects the employer’s perspective: further training and development to retain employees
Grow – Reflects the employee’s perspective: Where do I want to go?
Retain – the whole offer the company makes to its employees
Offboard & succession planning – a professional offboarding strategy when an employee leaves
Using employee lifecycle management, companies try to comprehend their employees’ career path and optimise their experience within the company. The better employers understand their employees’ experience and perceptions, the better they can react and support them in order to retain their talents and stay competitive.
Talent4LIFE Handbook
Available in DE, EL, EN, ES, HU