Empirical Research study

Research study

The emprical research study consisted of focus groups on the one hand and an online survey on the other hand.

In each of our six project countries, a focus group was launched to find out more about the companies, their Talent Management or HR-System as well as their practices. The results were not only a stand-alone output as part of the empirical research study, but also informed the questionnaire development of the online survey.

190 companies located in the project’s partner countries across Europe completed the Talent4LIFE online survey. The key results are highlighted below. The Research Report is available for download in English, the Executive Summary is available in all partner languages (DE, EL, EN, ES, HU).

Key facts

190 companies took part

Almost three quaters (73,7%) do not have a Talent Management System in place

the number of Talent Management practices influences the companies’ futureproofness*

1 of 3 does not capture the skills or competences of their employees

Only 1 of 5 make personal development plans for all their employees


Research report

Available in EN

Executive Summary

Available in DE, EL, EN, ES, HU

*For further information on what is meant by “futureproofness” and how it is measured, have a look at the Talent4LIFE research report.